Sunday, October 9, 2011

Seeing in Color: Fall

The leaves are turn, turn, turning here, and it looks very beautiful outside lately. Lois and I collected leaves for her first homework assignment. How cute is that? Her first homework assignment! I received an email from her art teacher titled "homework" and thought, what could it be?!! Leaves. Easy homework. Beats calculus. I always like to look at fall leaves closely. They are soooo pretty. The photo above is with my iPhone, using Instagram. And the chill in the air makes me want to cozy up. The two photos below are from here and here on Pinterest. I've seen this bath photo on blogs before, but I couldn't resist--it's such a great bath. And that chair with blankets... where are my PJs?!! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to Stitching

This past weekend I took another one of Jessie Chorley's workshops (Jessie pictured above). Of course it was dreamy like the first time. Some photos of the creative juices flowing and head to Jessie's site to see more of her work.
I can't show you mine yet, because it's going to be for my mom, who reads my blog :) but here are other works in progress from the other attendees.