Monday, August 8, 2011

Amsterdam Stroll

I finally finished my little embroidered Amsterdam that I started in Jessie Chorley's embroidery classAnd here it is! I loved Amsterdam so much, that at the class I decided it would be my theme, and I used canal houses as my first bit of inspiration, specifically the roofline of the houses, which is what makes them look so interesting as you're walking along the canals. I made a short video just so you could see the entire piece and to see the scale against my hand. It is very small but still hard to capture the entire piece well in one image. I look forward to making another one. I think Paris will be next. And I look forward to Jessie and Buddug's Tea Party on August 13th! If you're in London and don't have plans, head to the little shop on Columbia Road. Here's more info (scroll down to the post on the 29th, as I can't put a link to that direct post for some reason).

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