Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where to Stay in Paris?

When we go to Zurich we're also going to take a few weekend trips, including one to Paris, YAY! We haven't booked at place to stay yet though. I'd love to stay in one of these amazing Paris apartments, but they are all way out of our price range. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to stay in Paris? I think I will email some French bloggers to see what they say too. All of the images here are from Chez Vous Paris Apartments.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Little Pink House

One day when we have our own house I'd like one of these custom house hoops from Little Pink House on etsy. So cute. We'll have to get a dog, too, just so it's as cute as the one above. Or maybe our cat Sophie will stand in for a puppers. She's not allowed outside though. She might run away. I love embroidery and recently ordered a book and some embroidery supplies to bring with me to Zurich. I'm also looking forward to Alicia's new embroidery book that will be out next year.

More cute house hoops from Little Pink House, one by the sea and one with the wise owl looking over.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Swiss Miss!

That's what I call Lois now, little Swiss Miss because next week we're heading to Switzerland! We're going there for Andrew's work and will be there for five weeks! You know what that means? Fun trips to surrounding countries like France and Italy! Well, I'm hoping they will be fun most of the time anyway. I'm a little nervous about hauling Lois around, along with all the stuff needed to haul a baby around. But can't you picture little Lois at a brocante in Paris, wearing a tiny beret? That image is about as cute as her little passport. Even babies need a passport. I've been getting excited lately, but after seeing the Zurich guide on Design Sponge yesterday, I'm even more excited. Lets hope we get a cool sky cot for Lois on the plane during the 11+ trip.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Beaded Sweater

One of my favorite pieces of clothing is something I've only worn a few times, which is a beaded ivory cardigan my mom gave me years ago. It's so pretty and detailed--feminine and sparkly. Before my wedding (which was in the fall), I searched high and low to find something appropriate to wear over my wedding dress during our outdoor reception. All I needed to do was look in the very back of my closet, but at the time I had totally forgotten about it. I ended up wearing a delicately knitted shawl, which I really liked too. Wouldn't it have been pretty, though, to have worn my sweater above--see how beautiful Michelle's sweater looked with her wedding dress? I just love detailed ivory cardigans. The detailing on mine reminds me of one of my favorite flowers, a cleome.

I found this post, with image below, from Allen Company Inc. regarding pretty sweaters. Looks like I'm not the only one who loves them.

In case you want to get your own pretty sweater, here are a few I found on etsy. This first one from BajueBoutique.

And this one from Rocky Mountain Retro.

And this one from Ikfarnsworth.

And this one from Reminders of the Past.

So pretty!

New in the Shop

This weekend I added a bunch of things to my etsy shop. I'll be adding more every day this week. I still need to iron and take pictures of a bunch of beautiful linens my mom sent for the shop, and I hope to get to that this week. In the meantime, here are just a few new things I put in the shop. There I am modeling a cute wool hat!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Coffee tastes extra special . . .

when it's in a beautiful cup. Don't you think so too? And it looks even nicer on the the linen piece that's for sale in my etsy shop. I've had my eye on a set of Franciscan cups and saucers in the Denmark pattern (or onion pattern as Lisa tells me it's also called) along with a set of salad plates at the Pickled Hutch for a while now. I really wanted the plates too, but someone bought those long ago. The sets were always a little out of my price range though, but because of Lisa's big sale, I was able to buy them. I went to the shop about a week ago and left thinking of them all night, having terrible visions of someone else scooping them up at such a deal of a price. I was proud of myself for delaying gratification and not buying them right away, but at 50% off, how could I resist after wanting them for so long? I love them sooooo much. The delicate floral blue and white pattern warms my little heart. So does that coffee early in the morning. I'm not so good at making froth with our espresso machine. I think real baristas call that froth I made "dish soap" froth. Andrew is better at making the milk froth nicely, but he's asleep right now. Still, in this cup, it doesn't really matter.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Speaking of Dressing Up . . .

I've added a bunch of things to my vintage etsy shop. My mom (the other half of the shop) sent me a whole box filled with goodies. I just barely made a dent in it today, but here's a start of what's in the shop now.

Woot! Update, a nice southern lady bought the snakeskin bag. Thanks Elizabeth!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Playing Dress Up

I've spent way to much time today (along with Caroline) looking at cute pictures of Emily of The Black Apple on her other fashion blog. How cute is she, right? Now I just want to throw out all my t-shirts and dress up. I'll start with this hat above from Trophy Clothing on etsy and this cute dress (or something like it) from Target, or maybe this one (both on super sale and with good reviews in general). I have shoes and a little sweater I can wear to make the look complete. You can just call me Audrey after I'm all dolled up. But where oh where will I go all dressed up? Should I strap Lois on in the carrier and make our usual rounds walking to the post office, grocery store and wallgreens? I think not. I would just look silly! I need a place to go all dressed up. Want to come over for a cocktail party? That would do.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Joli Jewelry

Lisa came over for dinner last night and of course we got to talking about the things we usually talk about--antiques and vintage goodies. She showed me some hotel silver on ebay that she has her eye on, and I showed her my latest thrift store scores (a round embroidered linen tablecloth and a cute white cotton crib skirt with navy pom poms, both for $1.50). One thing we both love that we talked about is jewelry. I don't wear much jewelry but I love it, especially antique and vintage jewelry. My favorite jewelry might be Joli Jewelry. They use vintage materials such as Bakelite and vintage glass, old metal findings, buttons, and even perfume bottle top crystals. What a beautiful way to recycle, don't you think? Check out the Joli selection at Clay Pot.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

etsy Vintage

Listing a few pairs of vintage shoes that I love in my new etsy shop got me to wondering why I never wear so many vintage things that I have and love, so I removed my 3 pairs of vintage shoes and now just want to go hunt for more! I've found so much great vintage merchandise on etsy. I think my favorite shop that I've found so far is Allen Company Inc. I think what sets her shop apart from so many others is not only the style and quality of the vintage pieces, but her great photographs and photo styling. I look at her shop and think, yes, I'd like that; yes, I'd like those; oh and yes, that too! I hope my vintage shop will grow up to be as nice as hers--it's motivated me to re-take all my pictures when Andrew gets back in town with our camera. PS. Happy inauguration day! Speaking of vintage, did you see Aretha Franklin's hat? That was some bow!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Pickled Hutch SALE!

Lisa has decided to close The Pickled Hutch, so she's putting just about everything on sale--when I say sale, I mean super sale, as in 30-50% off most items and even more on some things. Here's just a very small sampling of what's at the shop right now. But she also has a lot of beautiful linens and china on sale that aren't shown here. If you live in Pacifica, San Francisco or any of the surrounding cities, you should head into the hutch to take advantage of the deals. She's selling a number of large pieces for next to nothing--pieces that would be ideal for displaying your treasures at home or in a shop if you're a shop owner. She has to liquidate most items as she's entering into a new venture at Willa Home in Burlingame and can't take everything. I bought a handful of things today, including a bunch of beautiful, old Christmas ornaments at 75% off! The Pickled Hutch is located at 2021 Palmetto Avenue, Pacifica, CA. and is open Wednesday-Sunday, 10-5pm. The number to the shop is 650-359-2000. Ask for Lisa if you have any questions about the items shown here.

Check out those far out mid-century lamps! And the black piece with the toile backing--I can't tell you how many people regularly inquire about this piece, which was display only, but now Lisa is ready to part with it.

Christmas ornaments 75% off!! If you're like me and trying to build a collection, you have to go get some of these while there are some left. A lot of them are really old and chippy, just the way I like them.

I love seashells and all of Lisa's are 50% off! She has a lot of great, big seashells for sale.

I love this naked lady! This nude painting is 40% off right now.

Lisa has a handful of fun vintage games right now too that are on sale.

All of her glassware is marked at 40% off.

She has some beautiful furniture on sale as well.

Aren't these so cool? They are insect identification plates, so neat!

And this set is interesting too--an architects tool set filled with compasses, etc.

So many things at the hutch--go check it out!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vintage Etsy Shop

I've opened a vintage etsy shop that I'll be running with my mom. It's just a start, but here it is, our shop: Lois and the Ladybug. Two people have already inquired about some of the fabric I listed, yippee!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Little Doll Lois, Mom's Pillow and News

Isn't she adorable! I got her for $4 at the Alemany Flea Market this weekend. Her name is Lois (named after you know who) and she looks perfect in her room. Also, I made the pillow you see below for my mom to go in the blue and white guest bedroom. She gave me this tea towel and I know how much she loved it, so I wanted to make it into something for her. It think it would be fun to make another pillow with this fabric or this one to match the blue one since the guest bedroom also has splashes of red. This was my first sewing experience with any kind of fringe. It was fun and easier than I thought it would be to make it. I'm also going to make a pillow for Lois with her name on it later this week.

In other news, I'm working on a vintage etsy shop to sell all kinds of vintage things with my mom--jewelry, vintage fabric and notions, books, etc. So I'll let you know when it's up. Also, Lisa has decided to close The Pickled Hutch in Pacifica and join a friend in a new venture at her shop, Willa Home, in Burlingame. I know this will be a positive experience for Lisa. Wish her luck over at her blog, or better yet, stop into the shop and whish her luck in person while you take advantage of the amazing sale she's having!

Monday, January 12, 2009

3 Month Birthday

Lois turned 3 months this weekend. We celebrated by dressing up and taking pictures. She wore the cute dress from Old Navy that I had my eye on a while back. My sister gave it to her for Christmas. I love taking pictures of her (as you probably guessed).

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lois's Room

Here are some pictures of Lois's room. (Sorry they're a little dark. This room doesn't get much light.) I've been meaning to post a few more pictures of her room for what seems like forever. I can't believe she's already 3 months old! I love her room and thought I better take a few pictures before she grows out of it. Before I know it she'll be a teenager and want to paint her walls black or something. I wonder what my nursery looked like.  I'll have to ask my mom.  I wonder if it looked anything like one of these retro rooms?  For Lois' room, though, it's all white with splashes of bright colors. I'm not crazy about pastel colors, which is why I avoided the usual pale baby colors for her room. Above is what you see when you look to the right once you're in the door. We got the daybed (which I love) and cubby style shelf from Ikea. To the right of the bed is a metal side table that I got at The Pickled Hutch and to the left is a green, metal spinning rack that my mom gave me, which now holds all of Lois' old books.

This is what you see when you first look in the room. We got her crib at Ikea, the Gulliver Crib, and the bedding is Tadpoles yellow gingham check from Target. And the heart blanket that I love is draped on the far side of the crib. Both the chifferobe dresser and the metal cart that I use for a changing table came from The Pickled Hutch.

You might remember the clothes above her bed . . . the birdie onesie is from Old Navy, my mom gave me the kitty cat apron and the thrid outfit came from a vintage clothes vendor at the Inman Park festival in Atlanta.

My nephews did the artwork above the daybed, and I bought the three frames for them at Ikea (one red, one yellow, one blue) .

One of the first party hats I made is on her dresser. This one I wore on my 31st birthday.

I love this tea towel I got at Anthropologie--I just use it on the top of her dresser because it's bright and like it so much.

A picture of me and my mom at the Inman Park festival a few years ago in our southern gal hats. (My mom hates this picture!)

The humpty lamp I got for $10 at the flea market.

A bus painting by Mose Tolliver.

My favorite thing in her room might be the curtains that I got at a consignment store called Carla's Clutter, which is now closed.

I use this metal cart for her changing table and have an old white metal basket and yellow wood tool cart to hold her diapers and supplies. I got them all at The Pickled Hutch.

Beside the bed is some mommy / baby reading with Mr. Hedgehog looking over things.

On the bed are a bunch of pillows and stuffies. My sister gave me the little lamb above. And my mom gave me the fun round pillow that's next to it.

My aunt made this ruffle pillow with Amy Butler fabric. She also made me some fantastic curtains with the same fabric--the only reason I don't use them in here is they were made to fit a shorter window.

I got this tulip and birdie pillow at a thrift store.

Inside each cubby in the shelf above the bed are fun knick knacks and books.

I got this fabric pocket wall hanging from Anthropologie. I'm not sure what it was intended for, but I use it for magazines.

One of many vintage books along with ABC blocks on the cute yellow nightstand table I got at Carla's Clutter.

And there you have it! The only things not shown here are two things that acually mean a lot to me--the vintage fabric lion that Alex gave me and an illustration that Michelle gave me. (It's hanging above the lamp next to the daybed. I took a few pictures of it, but none of them came out very good.)