Sunday, May 31, 2009

Giveaway Day!

It's giveaway day again, and this time it's a really great etched ship glass. I'm not sure what the intended purpose was for this glass. I think it would make a good snifter, but I don't know for sure if that was its original purpose. With the etched ship design, it makes a great candle holder, though.

I love little glasses like this because they can easily serve multiple purposes. This one would be great in a bathroom holding q-tips, cotton balls, bath salts, or just a tea light. It's going to be hard to part with this one! I found it recently while thrifting along with these other goodies below. More to come on the apothecary bottle (citrate magnesia bottle on the right)--that one is a keeper. The other two things you'll find in my etsy shop soon.

I think a little bryd is affecting my eyes while I'm out treasure hunting. I like her shop so much that what I've bought recently reminds me more of her shop than my own. Oh yes, and sorry for skipping the giveaway on the 15th earlier this month. I meant to tell you I was skipping it since we were out of town, but I forgot to mention it! You have until Tuesday at 12 noon pacific time to leave your comment for a chance to win the etched ship glass.

Update: And the winner is . . . Helen of the museum cupboard! Yay, Helen!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Calling Card

Recently I ordered some blog cards, cards with my blog design and contact info on the back, and I love them! I've been wanting to take pictures more often in shops I like and write posts about them, and I thought I should start appearing more professional and give the shop owner a card when I ask. I was at one shop recently that I love and wanted to ask the owner if I could come by again sometime and take pictures for my blog. I had Lois with me and had just finished a mommy group stroll, so I was looking pretty shabby and thought it best not to ask then. Normally I'm not especially shy about asking, but I really want to take pictures at this particular shop (will tell you which one soon), and now, with my cute little card, I won't be so nervous when I ask. They look so nice with Katrine's nostalgic tea party cards that I think I will use those as my official thank you notes. I just dropped one in the mail today to Lisa and Elena.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Willa Home

You might remember that Lisa closed The Pickled Hutch a few months back and started a new venture with her friend, Elena, at Willa Home in Burlingame. I've been meaning to stop in for quite some time and finally made the short hop to Burlingame to see the shop. Lisa's told me all about it, and I've seen some terrific pictures on her blog, so I knew I'd love it, but in person it's even more beautiful. The shop is in a long, narrow loft style space with butter yellow walls and a turquoise ceiling. The ceiling features two large skylights that fill the space with inviting, natural light. Willa Home has something for everyone--whether your taste leans toward mid-century modern, bohemian vintage, primitive shabby chic, or old world French--anyone could surely fall in love with something here. If your style's ecclectic, you might want to bring a really big basket to fill, and quite possiblly a truck. Or if you just need a little birthday or hostess gift, you'll also find lovely gifts such as Alexis Bittar jewelry and Lafco candles.

I love the way they merchandise items, often by collections, like the hotel silver below. Items featured as a collection always pop a little more than when they're displayed alone, and with the charcoal gray backdrop and the ship oil paintings--I'd like to pick up the whole cabinet as is and take it home!

I also love the way they combine the sophosticated with the primitave, like these more refined crystal lamps on the shabby painted table, and the silver trays in the primitive toolbox.

The lighting in the shop is truly stunning. It casts the most amazing light and shadows on the salon style walls. I would like to live in there!

Collections of white above and dogs below that really make a statement and allow everything to stand out.

If you're in the San Francisco bay area, go see Will Home for yourself sometime. It will leave you feeling inspired. And be sure to tell Lisa and Elena hello!

Willa Home
1414 Burlingame Avenue
Burlingame, CA 94010
Tues. - Sat. 10 - 6

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Interior Divine

I started my blog a while after we moved to San Francisco because I was feeling a bit alone. I wasn't feeling lonely, just alone, if that makes sense. I felt like a spectator to my interests here for some reason in a way that I didn't at home, and I hoped I might make a few friends through blogging (sounds a little sad, but it's true!). Also, I was constantly emailing my mom and sister pictures of what I was up to--pictures of places me and Andrew had been, pictures of things I made, pictures from the flea market, etc., I and thought a blog would be an easier way to share what I was up to.

I come across blogs I like all the time, and I could easily blog hop all day every day if I had the time. I could just write a post each day about other blogs I like, but then I'd just be sending you away from me, and I wouldn't want that! Sometimes, though, like today, I can't resist. I found a blog that makes me lean in when I'm reading and looking at the pictures--you know, when you're really into it and you realize your head's just a few inches from the computer? Well, that's what I'm doing when I click the pages of Interior Divine. I love the comfortable, rustic aesthetic--that lived in feeling--that shines through in all the interiors she features. I keep a folder on my desktop of inspiring interiors that I like, and I might end up saving just about every picture featured on her blog.

I think my silk dress would look nice hanging on the wall in this room. Isn't it pretty to think so?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Vintage Sand Pails

Some time ago Country Living featured vintage sand pails in its "what's it worth" section. I had no idea they could be so valuable. Of course now that I've found my first vintage sand pail, I can't for the life of me find that issue of Country Living in my piles of old magazines. Does anyone remember that issue and know the month? Oh well. (Update! Kate found it--it's the August 2008 issue, which I finally found in my piles, and they estimate their value at around $30 - $1,000. Thanks, Kate!) This encyclopedia of sand pails could probably help me estimate its value, but I think I'm just going to give it to my nephew anyway. He's having a pirate themed birthday party in two weeks, and this would look really cute with something in it for display--maybe just filled with sand to hold the pirate flag I'm sending as well. I bought the pail a few weeks ago at that estate sale where I also bought the beautiful silk dress. Ahoy, matey! Isn't it so cute?  And for just $3 dollars!

I searched for vintage pails online, mostly on ebay, and the prices are all over the place. The bids range from a few dollars to $75+. (Some of them are so cute, too, you should go look.) Also, I found some at here at a place called Ruby Lane that all range from $40 - $75. The prices here at Huxtons go all the way up to $190! I figure the prices vary depending on maker, design, year and condition. From what I've read, it sounds like Chein and the Ohio Art company's pails are the most valuable and sought after. Mine is made by the MFG company. Shabby Vintage Mom also wrote a good post about vintage sand pails a while back, which you can read here.

The top old photo is from littlebird2009 on flickr.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Flea Market Pick-Me-Up

We're back in San Francisco now and getting back into our usual routine. I've been a little down the last few days because I miss home and would rather be in Atlanta with my family. San Francisco is great, and we love our friends here, but home is where my mom and sister are, and I think it will always be that way for me. I'm sure I sound like a broken record. Alas, I know I say this every time we get back. I perked up a little this morning, though, when I went to the flea market. It was very chilly out and my hands and feet were close to numb when I left, but there were still plenty of vendors and great treasures to be found. Most of what I bought I plan to sell in my etsy shop, but a few things are keepers, like the flower frog and the Gulliver's Travels book above with the great ship motif on the cover. I've been on the hunt for more interesting pen holders and thought some flower frogs would be perfect.

I spied this lady portrait and thought of buying her. At $35, I thought she was a pretty good deal. I called Lisa and told her about it. She came over to peruse with me. We both decided against this lady portrait, but I did really like her. Our apartment is pretty small, and I think Andrew is surrounded by enough ladies. She'd have to be a real knockout for me to bring another gal home.

Today was an especially great book day. One vendor had tons and tons of books. Boxes and boxes of them. I could have spent all day just looking through these boxes. I had the impression that these books didn't belong to the vendor and soon found out from him that they came from a storage auction. I've heard of this lately on the news--storage units that are auctioned off after people stop paying their bill. I hesitated to buy the books. It was a really impressive, diverse collection, but I figured there was no turning back. These books would never make it back to their original owner anyway. And they did, after all, put them in storage for whatever reason. Out of sight, out of mind. Hopefully, though, they will find new owners who will love them. Here are a few of the books I bought:

Cooking On Wheels. A fun book of trailer, camping, and general on the road recipes.

Bambi. Who doesn't like a good classic?

A few Cub Scout books. I was hoping to find some more Campfire Girls books, but these are really fun too.

Nursery Rhymes and Wouldn't You Like To Run Away? are keepers for Lois. I already put one of her bookplates in the Wouldn't You Like To Run Away? book. Once, when I was in 4th grade, I got mad at my mom for some reason and packed my little hobo hankie with a few of my favorite things, tied it on a stick and "ran away" (I went in the woods for a few hours). It reminds me of when I ran away. The book cover is so cute and the story is even better. Everyone wants to run away sometimes.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Paris: Made by Hand

A few days before we left for our trip, I read about a little book called Paris: Made by Hand on SFgirlbybay. (She also just wrote a great post about a trip to Emily Chalmer's shop, Caravan. Emily Chalmers is the author of one of my favorite books, Flea Market Style.) Right after I read the post and peeked at excerpts of the book, I ordered it. It's such a great little book! The author is stylist and photographer Pia Jane Bijerk who visits and photographs Paris shops that embody a handmade aesthetic, most of which also incorporate vintage and found objects in their merchandising. Can you say dream job? I can. I love to take pictures of shops that I like and want to start doing it more, and of course I love Paris and all things French, so I'm a little nutty over this book. I especially like her photography. It's slightly dark and misty, but I think the tone is moody and mysterious in a way that leaves you wanting to see and know more. Our recent weekend trip to Paris was too short to see much, but I did make it into one shop in the book. I hope to visit more of these shops one day.

I love Pia's blog too. Her Paris kitty reminded me of my Paris kitty below. And her version of the boy with the red balloon made me think of a miniature statue of the boy with a red balloon that Lisa used to have in her shop, which is, I imagine, inspired by this little film.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home

If you know me personally, or have been reading my blog for a while, you know I love to go home to my mom's house. I grew up in Atlanta, but she moved to Virginia when I was 18 while I stayed behind to go to college. Now she's back in Atlanta, and I'm in San Francisco. We keep missing each other. One day we'll live in the same place again, hopefully sooner than later. I think I might be the only adult I know who likes to be around their mom more than just about anyone else. I feel like I'm really lucky in that way. She's only lived in this particular house for 3 years, but any home my mom calls home is, to me, the best, most comfortable place ever. I like being at my mom's more than any other place. I know I've mentioned it before, but my mom really is the queen of hospitality. Everything's clean, everything smells good, everything feels good, everything looks good, food even tastes better to me at my mom's. It's just her way. She knows how to make me feel at home no matter where home is, as long as it's with her.

My grandma moved in with my mom 3 weeks ago, so I was expecting lots of boxes to help unpack (or at least some), but my grandma is a pro at this moving and unpacking thing. She's also a pro at decorating. Can you tell where my style comes from? About half of the pictures on this wall are my mom's and my grandma just added to it and re-arranged them a little. One of my favorites is this print below. I love this lady with her potted plants. I love the frame too.

My grandma moved into what was my mom's room. She didn't know I was taking these pictures. She would have told me not to because she said her room wasn't finished. You really can't tell except around the bed, so I left that out. But really, does it look like she moved in 3 weeks ago? This room was empty then and now looks like this. Dang, she's good. Did I mention she's also 80?

I really didn't make time to take that many pictures. I was too busy hanging out with my family to think about it. Next time, though, I'll take more pictures and show you around the house some more. It might make you feel at home too.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Greetings From The Plum Tree

Y'all know I always have to make a trip to The Plum Tree with my mom when I come home. It's one of my favorite antique shops in Atlanta, and it's always fun to see what Cindy is up to. She's so creative and has a great eye for display and is constantly updating and re-arranging the shop. It was so much fun to stop in. If we lived here, my wallet would be in big trouble. Here are a few pictures from around the shop. You can see pictures from past trips here and here.