Monday, September 28, 2009

Our Last Weekend

We had our last weekend here in London. Initially we thought we might go away for the weekend to some place like Marseilles, but we decided to stay in town. We went to Greenwich, which has a beautiful park that includes the Royal Observatory and the National Maritime Museum. We also went to Islington, a great neighborhood and home of the Camden Passage market, and walked along Regent's Canal. And we headed back to Shoreditch to buy some last minute things and to walk around Brick Lane. We had a great weekend. Here's are some random bits.

We ate a lot of yummy food. One of my favorites was coffee and croissants from Patisserie Deux Amis, pictured above. A really cute, cozy French cafe. I think Andrew's favorite would be St. John Bread and Wine. We didn't bring the camera to St. John, but it's a nose to tail sort of place that has great food (they have things other than nose to tail type stuff). I'm not sure why I have such reservations about eating those "other parts" since I eat meat, but I do. Eating pig's cheek just sounds a little weird and gross to me, which makes no sense when eating a pork chop sounds perfectly normal, but I tried a tiny bite of it, and it was really good. It tasted sort of like fatty bacon with less bacony flavor. My favorite thing there was dessert--armagnac and prune ice cream with madelines, yum. The servers were so nice to Lois. They even have high chairs for the tiny tots.

In Greenwich we went to Greenwich Park. The parks in London are outstanding. I can't believe how many parks there are or how beautiful they all are. Of all the parks we went to Regent's Park was the most impressive I think, but Greenwich Park was beautiful too. And the parks here have so many nice playgrounds for kids. Greenwich Park even has a children's paddle boat pond.

In the park we got to see fall showing all its beautiful color. And did I mention the weather? It was outstanding! The last few days have been some of the most amazing days ever.

In Islington we walked along Regent's Canal, which was a fun surprise for us. We decided to just wander around, off the main roads, and saw a path leading to what looked like a park. We followed it down and saw this! It pays sometimes to leave the map in your pocket and just see where the road takes you.

The canal was filled with these long, skinny boats. It looked like many people lived in them.

We saw a number of gardens on the boats. Garden anywhere? Sure!

See that one itty bitty tomato there on the right? Last of the season, I imagine.

And we ran into a fun little craft market. Cupcakes get your attention every time don't they? The cupcakes are from Sweetie Pies Boutique Bakery and those crafty wares from Isabel Vince, who's pictured on the Left. I love her key and patchwork cushions.

A weekend around London wouldn't be complete without some fun junk hunting!

We saw so many great junk, antique, and vintage shops over the weekend. Ah, London is a old stuff heaven!

And more junk and vintage heaven on Brick Lane.

And we were lucky enough to see another red balloon! I could hardly believe it. A very nice last weekend, don't you think?

See you again in a few days when we're back in San Francisco!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jessie and Buddug, The Shop

Once upon a time there were two girls, lost in the bright night woods. They did not know where they were or how they got there; they just knew they had to get home. Tired and hungry they walked side by side, not afraid of the night but in admiration for it. They looked up at the stars that glittered like sequins and the leaves that flapped and fluttered in the breeze like birds' wings and thought of home and what they would make when they got there. Creative ideas filled them head to toe.

Jessie dreamt of bags she would sew with her mom and journals she would make from beautiful vintage books, tied with ribbon and adorned with buttons and watch faces.

She also imagined stories she would embroider onto silk. Chapter by chapter, the words appeared to her mind. She watched how the moon cast its light through the trees and longed to draw its beams and shadows that streamed to the ground.

Buddug dreamt of enamel necklaces she would cast with wise quotes or in the shape of colorful teapots or birds.

As she listened to the few chirps of the night, she swore one sweet bird was on her head and thought it might sing them home.

As they walked they filled their pockets with leaves, flowers, nutshells, and twigs. Inspired by the nature all around them, they wanted to bring it home and sew it into something beautiful for all the world to see.

They reached a clearing and in the distance saw home, their shop, perched atop the flowers of Columbia Road. "They hand in hand with wandering steps slow, through Eden took their solitary way"* and began to create the magical works that let them know they were home.

Jessie and Buddug, The Shop
Upstairs at 146 Columbia Road
Tower Hamlets
London, E2 7RG
Saturday 12 - 4, Sunday 9 - 3
and by appointment
Jessie Chorley
Buddug Humphreys

*John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book XII
Story by me, inspired by them.

The Fun We Had

Woah, long time no post! I was so busy with my mom that I didn't realize how many days have gone by since I last wrote on my blog. I'm sad to say my mom flew home yesterday (and made it back safe and sound), but we had so much fun the few days she was here. I'm sure she probably feels like she needs a vacation from her vacation because I think I wore her out! I wanted her to see so many things and go so many places that we didn't dillydally too much, and we barely scratched the surface. Poor mom, so excited, with her eyes wide and mouth hanging to the ground, most of the time I was saying, "mom, come on, we have to keep moving!" She could have spent days instead of hours in the few places we went. So what did we do, you ask? Well, here are the highlights. Her first day we went to the Thursday Spitalfields antique market, went to Caravan, walked around Brick Lane and had a great lunch at Leila's. I forgot the camera battery on the charger that day, so I don't have picutres, but it was so much fun. Mom loved the antique market.

On Friday we went to Liberty. Mom loved it! We spent most of our time in the fabric, notions, and yarn section where we looked through craft books and picked out some fabric and yarn for a few projects. Then we had afternoon tea in the cafe. It was soooo delicious--equal parts sweets to sandwiches, just the way we like it. Lois liked the cupcake best.

On Saturday we went to Portobello Road. I thought mom would flip, but then again I could say that about everything she saw everyday she was here. She had such a good time looking at everything. Antiques and vintage treasures, second-hand junk, handmade wares, food, flowers, people watching--it's all at the Saturday market on Portobello Road. As touristy as it is, it's filled eye candy and makes for a very entertaining morning. If you go, definitely go in the morning! The crowds are crazy by 11am.

Later on Saturday we did the touristy bit and rode the London Eye and wandered around The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and the Thames. I thought I'd be sick on the London Eye. It made my knees weak, but Lois loved it. She had her head right up against the window the whole time.

Sunday may have been our favorite day. We went to the Columbia Road flower market and wandered around the shops on Columbia road. We stared with a yummy breakfast at Campaina.

Mom, who is a great gardener, loved seeing all the plants and flowers.

We had so much fun in Jessie and Buddug's shop, where mom bought this crow headband for me. I wore it for a while, and she wore it for a while. We looked ridiculous, but it was really fun. I think we ate 9 of those cupcakes too. My mom hates seeing pictures of herself. I can just hear her when she sees this, "Leigh! Why did you post that picture!" Sorry mom, I like it.

On Monday we went to Painswick. I really wanted mom to see the countryside and stay at Jill and Brett's B&B. She thought it was just as beautiful as I did and loved being there. We spent most of our time in the house looking through Jill's stacks and stacks of decorating and craft books. Why leave when you have all those books and the view looks like this?

But we did get outside on Tuesday. We had a great lunch at the local bistro and two of the best desserts (puddings here) that we've ever had, banoffee pie and bread and butter pudding.

We walked around the town, and took the footpath to the stream. I wanted mom to see everything I saw before.

And that was it. The sun set on mom's short visit, and after one night at Byfield House, she had to go back home. On Tuesday afternoon we took the train back to London and then mom left Wednesday morning. I wish she could have stayed longer, but it was so much fun! Love you mom! See you again soon.