Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lazy Days

Our beach vacation is over now, but we had a great time! Lazy days of summer. We head back to London tomorrow, but I'm sure my mind will be drifting back at the beach in no time.

Monday, July 26, 2010


We got to the beach in South Carolina on Friday and have been having a great time! My mom, sister, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all here. We've been eating, sleeping, and chilling on the beach--about the only things you can do around here. And I've been having a great time taking iPhone pictures, using my most recent favorite app, tiltshift (all of these are with the tiltshift app on my iPhone). We've tried bringing our Canon on the beach, but it's been so humid and windy that condensation forms on the lens and doesn't want to go away. That's also because it's coming from out from the AC. But that's okay. It just means more fun with iPhone pictures.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Over the weekend I celebrated a birthday! Party girl! I haven't been great at updating my blog regularly so it will be a surprise to know that I celebrated my birthday at home in Atlanta. We're here for one week visiting our families and then we're heading to the beach in South Carolina for a week. It's so nice to be home! Andrew's mom had a little family cookout for me on Sunday and we had a great birthday. Here are a few pictures from my big day. (I didn't have time to make my own party hat before we left, but I had to have at least some paper, store-bought party hats.)
Party dress and shoes. 
For the tiny tot too. 
Andrew's sister, Jessica and Me. 
My sister, Page, me, Lois and my friend Jill. 
Me and Andrew. 
My friend Megan, me, my sister, and Jill. 

Birthday girl!! I love birthdays!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sweet Peony Pillow

Here's the little pillow I've been working on. My first pillow with a ruffle! It's inspired by the pillow you see below, clipped from a magazine. (I think it's an old issue of Country Living.) The peonies in our garden were beautiful but have withered away. When I saw this pillow in the magazine, I thought it would be a nice way to remember them. We're also in need of some summery pillows (a tad behind here, I know). I don't think the embroidery looks nearly as nice or peony-like as the one in the magazine, but I still like it. I just sketched the drawing freehand by looking at the magazine. It probably would have been much better if I had actually made a copy, blown it up and traced it. Oh well. I made the ruffle from some old curtains my mom gave me. And the back of the pillow is ticking. Awww, sweet peony pillow!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Morning Walk

I'm working on a new craft project, an embroidered pillow, which I'll post pictures of soon, but until I've been having fun hanging out with my little buddy and playing with more iPhone photo apps. I just love iPhone photos! I've become a little tired of Camerabag though, and moved on to Hipstamatic. Here are a few pictures from our walk to nursery school earlier this week. We took the short way, which is a little gritty since we have to go over and then under train tracks, but the scenery was nice in Hipstamatic.