Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Melanie Brown with lover back in 2004. Hmmmm...Perhaps that is why she and Eddie Murphy got along so well in the beginning She likes men and women and Eddie Murphy likes women and --------(You fill in the blank)

Awww... happier times when the two were so in love.

So here goes. Melanie Brown is dishing to Essence magazine about her now broken-up relationship with her ex-lover Eddie Murphy. The article was definitely an interesting read,but i have chosen an excerpt from the two-part interview which i found most interesting of all. In this excerpt you are about to read, Melanie Brown tells us that she and Eddie were planning to get married and that they planned the pregnancy!In addition,she tells us that she doesn't understand why all of sudden Eddie Murphy didn't want anything to do with her. She remembers though that before the whole break-up incident,she and Eddie had had a disagreement about his lifestyle. His "lifestyle?" But Scary Spice refuses to tell us what about Eddie's lifestyle turned her off. C'mon Scary Spice! Did he drink too much? Brought too many men to the house? What was it?

Read the excerpt from ESSENCE below:

ESSENCE.com: Was Eddie ever excited about your pregnancy?

MEL B: Oh this was a completely planned pregnancy. This wasn't some random, "Oops I fell over and I'm pregnant." I don't live my life like that. I'm a responsible parent and have been a responsible single parent since I got divorced. This is the one thing that really annoys me. If I wanted to have a baby I would have had a baby a long time ago. I wouldn't have waited eight years to have another one.

ESSENCE.com: Wow. So you two sat down and decided to have a child?

MEL B: Yes, of course. As soon as I had my IUD removed we proceeded to get pregnant. It happened quicker than we expected but it was perfect timing.

ESSENCE.com: What made it perfect timing?

MEL B: Because we planned to get married at Christmas, but then we had to change it once I got pregnant and we decided that after the baby was born we'd get married.

ESSENCE.com: Why do you think he went flip mode and publicly denied his flesh and blood?

MEL B: First of all, I'm a very independent woman so if you're trying to control me, that's not going to happen. In any relationship, it's all about compromise. We were going to buy a house in Malibu and move in together. Somehow things got confused along the way because there were certain things that went on in his house with his lifestyle that I wasn't prepared to be a part of. So that became a trippy discussion, which ended up where we both refused to budge.

ESSENCE.com: What is it about his lifestyle that you don't like?

MEL B: I have a baby with this guy so I have to be somewhat respectful. I'll simply say that there were lifestyle changes that he would have to make if we were going to live together and do it properly. I have a house where it¹s about my kids and me. I don't have people knocking on my door at 3 and 4 in the morning. I have a very simple life—I don't have a ton of people looking after my kids—I'm a very regular person when it comes to that because I want my kids to have a normal life as much as possible.

ESSENCE.com: Hold up. I'm confused. Were you hoping to iron out those issues upon your return from London?

MEL B: Yes. When I left for London I thought I would return and we'd finish our discussion. Instead, I returned to, "It's over and I'm with somebody else." For me, that was confusing. I still haven't received closure on that because before I left, we said, "This is what I need and this is what you need." But I got nothing. And I'm not about to go knocking on somebody's door like, "Hold on a minute, what happened? Why are you doing this to me?" I have too much pride and self-esteem to be treated that way. Obviously, what I said must have hurt him to make him react that way because the guy doesn't speak about his relationships, period. I didn't want to have a rocky pregnancy, so I moved to the beach with my kids and my dogs. I had an amazing pregnancy—my labor was so easy—and I gave birth to an amazing daughter.

Check out the full articleHERE

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