Friday, August 10, 2007


Cassie is in the new issue of Complex magazine and boy is she talking. She addresses rumors of her sleeping with Ryan Leslie and P.diddy(she denies sleeping with any one of them). She says that the most hurtful thing that was said about her is that:" I slept my way into the industry. I think that’s really vicious. If it had nothing to do with talent, at least it had something to do with charm."
Cassie also talks about her singing career and why maybe people think that she can't sing(at least she acknowledges that she is no Beyonce) Read some of the more exciting parts of the interview(below) and let me know what you think.

Your career took off kinda fast. How much have things changed for you in the last year?The last time around was just a hazy experience. I didn’t really know what was going on. I barely even knew that albums had concepts and a story, and that’s what sells records. I was a regular girl with a hot single. I think a lot of people missed who I am.

Okay, Oprah. Why do you think people were hating so much?Maybe it’s because it felt like I took it for granted and that I didn’t work hard enough. I didn’t know how powerful it was to have that big of a single. That’s why I’m going back with vocal coaches and acting coaches so that if it doesn’t work out a second time, at least I can say I put 110 percent into it. People still have stuff to say. They call me “D-list,” “America’s Favorite Non-Singer”—or they say, “She needs to go back to modeling.” Oh, I’ve
heard it all. [Laughs.]

There was a lot of speculation about “Me & U.” What was that song about?I didn’t write it. Ryan wrote it. Because I have a young fan base, what upset me was that it’s like, “Damn, I have little girls and boys singing this song.” But I didn’t take it the same way everyone else did. It’s about a special moment, whatever you want it to be. It could be right before you kiss. It’s when it’s just you and
the person.

But you have to know the YouTube video that Little X directed made it look like it was about going down on a guy. Because that’s how Little X interpreted it. That wasn’t my treatment—and he didn’t write one either. We just shot as we went along. I like him as a person and he’s a great guy, but I was kind of upset that it even got leaked. I was like, “Who did that? It had to be one of your people because I didn’t have it.” But we’re definitely cool now.

You caught a lot of criticism for your live performances.
I don’t think I should have done those shows. But I didn’t know I had a choice. I would sit in rehearsals and sing full songs a cappella. I wasn’t BeyoncĂ©, but I wasn’t [messing] up. Then I got out there and was like, “Oh my God, millions of people are watching me right now. I have stage fright.” Before the BET performance, I remember being backstage with Gwen Niles, the VP from my label, and I was like, “I’m gonna [sh*t] myself. I can’t do this. Don’t make me go out there.”

Cassie i think you are cute and all and that you have the talent for modeling. But maybe you have stage frights because you sound like that in accapella and newcomer Esmee Denters(below) sounds better singing your song.Sorry,Cassie,but you already kow this. I love your drive and i admire your tenacity;you also seem like a nice person.

Check out more of Cassie's interview at COMPLEXMAG.

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