Sunday, January 20, 2008

Flea Market Outing

This morning I went to the Alemany flea market and had a great time. Just a few minutes out the door, I thought, oh no, I have to pee and I'm suddenly hungry. Crap. I thought for sure I wouldn't last more than 15 minutes at the flea market. Two hours later, I got back in the car and only then remembered that I had to pee and was starving! My flea market high kicked in as soon as I got there, and so I forgot about all physical discomfort. I love going to the flea market. The pickaxe turned paint brush holder is one of my favorite things I saw today. I love seeing how people re-purpose everyday (and not so everyday) things. Even though it wasn't actually turned into anything totally different, I like the way it was used.  It made me think of my friend Paula, who I'll tell you about soon. She's the queen of re-purposing cool industrial and architectural pieces. Below are a few other random things I saw.

A few things I bought . . . . I got this Wonder Pen kit for my friend Lauren. I think she'll like it.

I broke down and bought my very first lady head vase! It was $20, but I've seen them anywhere from $25 and up and up, so I went ahead and got her. She's soaking in the sink right now. A dirty girl, she is.
Then I got this little dish. I like the print. It reminded me of Amy Butler's fabrics. And that's all I got today. I could have filled up the car and then some, but I held back and still had a great time.

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