Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pretty Pictures

Andrew's mom sent me this link with tips on how to take good pictures of flowers. I love taking pictures, especially close-ups of pretty things like flowers. I took this picture of the orange tulips in Japan after I read the post she sent. Usually when I end up with a good picture, I figure I just got lucky. Normally I just fool around with the settings on our camera until the picture looks good (often, they don't, though, no matter how many times I try, especially pictures taken indoors and at night). But now that I'm learning more about our camera, I know a little better now how to get a good picture. The camera does most of the work though--it's pretty amazing on its own. Still, for me patience is key. Sometimes it takes a long time to get a good picture. During Christmas, when I posted pictures of things around my mom's house, those few pictures, especially the amaryllis, took me about two hours to get right. And the thanksgiving pie picture, well, my sister was working on that one great picture for about 45 minutes. But now to the flowers. I'm no expert, but I like these pictures.

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