Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birth Announcements

Week one with Lois has been really great. We're pretty much tired all the time, but we were expecting that. Most days and nights she sleeps pretty well--that is for at least a few hours at a time. But often she's fussy and can't sleep. We're still just learning how to figure out what's wrong when she cries. Usually she either wants more food or is having digestion troubles. I should be napping while she naps, but instead I've been doing other things. One of those things is finishing her birth announcements.

Before she was born I started making her announcements, but I haven't finished with all of them. They are a little birdie ornament with vintage fabric on one side and felt on the other. On the backside there's a pocket that will hold her picture and a little announcement. I'm hoping people will use them for Christmas ornaments or something else after they get them. Tweet, tweet . . . Lois is here! Now, I just have to figure out which picture to use. This one is pretty cute.

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