Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1 Month Birthday Hop Hop!

Lois has me hopping from one thing to the next. It's a whole lot harder some days to get things done with an infant. Yesterday Lois was especially fussy (she's been a lot fussier the last week or so). I needed to take her to her one month check-up at 2 and thought I'd have plenty of time to get some things done before then. She had other plans for me. I had a half made bed, a half unloaded dishwasher, half a load of clothes folded was unshowered and hadn't eaten when it was time to leave for her appointment.

I remember one Calgon take-me-away sort of day when I babysat my nephew Cash for my sister when he was a few months old. All I needed to do that day was laundry. It was probably three loads I wanted to wash. My sister dropped him off at about 7AM, and when she came to get him at 6PM, I hadn't even finished one load. And the house looked like a Babies-R-Us bomb went off--tiny socks and clothes, blankies, pacifiers, bottles, dirty diapers were everywhere. I felt like I needed a bottle of wine (yes, I meant to say bottle, not glass) and a bubble bath. Later I remember wondering how it was possible that I couldn't even finish washing one load of clothes. Now I remember clearly. But it's all worth it as you can see from the cuteness in these pictures!

My mom knitted this adorable bunny hat for Lois. I found the pattern at Noe Knit right after I found out we were having a girl. When I saw it in the window I wanted Lois to have one. She's our little bunny after all. My mom is a much better knitter than me. I'm on scarf level, but my mom can knit hats. My mom sent a note with the hat to Lois that said, "your mom asked me to make this for you." Awww, thanks mom--grandma! Now, if I could only finish her birth announcements before she's a teenager, that would be great. Here's a tip for mom's to be . . . finish ALL your birth announcements before your baby is born, especially if they are handmade and involve about 10 steps, most of which is cutting. What was I thinking?!! Uh, that I had more time then, that's what. I am determined to get them in the mail this week.

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