Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dripping Jewels!

I've been wanting to have my engagement re-set for a long time now into something more antique or unusual looking. My aunt gave me the diamond for my engagement ring. It used to be part of a set of diamond earrings that belonged to my grandma (my dad's mom). My aunt had the diamonds removed and gave one of them to me and one to my sister. They are beautiful cushion cut diamonds, a shape that is not quite oval and not quite square, but somewhere in between. Initially I liked the setting I chose, but it didn't turn out exactly how I pictured. It has channel set diamonds on either side that are not flush against each other, and I don't like the small spaces between the diamonds. The center diamond also stands up high and I'm always crashing it into things. My friend Megan's aunt works for Southern Classic Jewelry and might be able to help me find something for my diamond when we go to Atlanta over Christmas. I checked out their web site and found this beautiful onyx and pearl ring. I love it! (I want to think about it and maybe see it in person, so don't go and buy it!) It's not what I have in mind for my diamond, but I love it. It's so pretty and interesting. I'd almost rather have something like this than a traditional looking diamond engagement ring. But I still want to find a new home for my diamond.

Baby update. . . Lois is great but still keeping my hands full. I'm still in my PJs at 11 and typing this with one hand while tying to jiggle her to sleep with my other arm. She appears to have given up her need for a morning nap the last few days. Alas, she just won't sleep in the mornings lately. She just wants to be held. Takes after her mom!

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