Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lux Plus

Once we got to our apartment, after we realized our luggage was missing, I decided to look for thrift or second hand clothing places just in case we needed to buy some clothes. We couldn't exactly afford to go new clothes shopping for 5 weeks worth of clothes for all three of us. In the middle of the night, when I couldn't sleep, I made the mistake of reading nightmare stories (though most of them from a few years ago) of people losing their luggage at the Heathrow airport, never to see it again. While I was hoping our luggage would show up (it did), I wasn't sure it would and wanted to look for some inexpensive options for clothes just in case. I emailed Malene who wrote the Design Sponge Zurich guide to see if she knew of any places. She had been responding to people's questions and comments regarding the guide, but since it's been a while since she wrote it, I wasn't sure if she was still checking the comments, so I just emailed her instead. She told me about a place called Lux Plus. Since our luggage came, I really didn't need to buy clothes, but I still wanted to check the place out, especially since I'm on a vintage kick lately. I braved the crazy wind today, with Lois strapped into her stroller and all bundled up, and headed over there. It's just about a 10 minute walk from our place. What a great vintage shop! They had a terrific selection of vintage shoes, lots of purses and scarves, jewelry, women's and men's clothes, and even a few things for the little ones. Isabelle, the sweet woman working at the shop, let me take a few pictures.

This is the mural on the back wall of the shop. A focal point of the shop for sure.

A good selection of men's clothes.

Soooo many great shoes!


Sweaters and more blouses.

Cool lighting, beyond which I spied a collection of butterflies in their office.

The butterfly collection is really something. This just shows one part of one wall. The butterflies actually cover three walls, almost top to bottom.

More shoes!

Neon in the dressing room.

Cute window display. I love that black wallet with the red and tan accents.

One wall outside the shop is completely covered with street fashion. It is a huge, long wall. Covered. Fun and inspiring to look at. More to come from Zurich.

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