Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Carnival in Zurich

Sunday started out with a beautiful sunrise. The clouds looked just like pink cotton candy. Lately Lois wakes up before the roosters, so I get to see the sunrise often. We made plans to head into town to see the Carnival parade, but first we wanted to stop for a special hot chocolate.

I've been wanting to try the hot chocolate at Sprungli (a very famous chocolate shop in Zurich) since we've been here but thought I'd wait until Andrew could go with me. So we decided to go there before the parade. I saw Samantha having a yummy looking hot chocolate on Passport to Europe and thought she had it here, but I think she had it someplace else because hers came with a mound of whipped cream (maybe I should have asked for whipped cream). I normally have a hard time drinking hot chocolate without whipped cream, so I was a little disappointed at first to see my approximately $8 dollar hot chocolate without it. But it was so creamy and delicious that it didn't even need whipped cream. Yum.

Then we headed to see the parade. Lots of people lined the Limmat to watch the parade.

It was fun to see people all dressed up in their costumes. Carnival in Zurich may not have the glamour of, say, Carnival in Venice, but I liked the laid back neighborhood vibe it had.

Then we decided to grab a bite--street food, Zurich style, cheese of course! Holy smokes this puddle o' cheese with potatoes was one of the best things I've ever eaten. I'm not sure if it was really that good or if I was just super hungry. The way the cheese was heated was so cool. Sort of like big toasters for cheese, then the guy scraped off the melted cheese once it was bubbly.

We also got some glühwein (mulled wine) to go with it. It was delicious.

As we headed home the party was still going, and based on the number of wine bottles people were buying at the grocery store the day before, the party surely lasted through the night. To see more fun pictures check out My Kugelhopf. In one of her last photos you'll also see the very raclette stand where we got our puddle o' cheese!

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