Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Thrift

Lately the Salvation Army near my house has had something, if not everything, on sale 50% off. They have a huge banner on the building that says "recession rollback" in gigantic letters. You know it's bad when the Salvation Army is having a seemingly endless sale because of the economy. Yesterday when I took Lois for a walk, I was just on my way to get a cookie but couldn't resist taking a peek on yet another sale day. I'm the kind of person who can always find something (usually way too many things) at any thrift store, but I think Bracki-Land in Zurich may have ruined me. My usual round of thrift stores here just don't compare (same goes for the flea market). It reminded me that I haven't shown the rest of my pictures from the housewares section at Bracki-Land. I have soooo many more pictures, but these are just a few. All these pictures were taken with my phone, so they're not the best, but you get the idea.

It wasn't until my last visit to Bracki-Land that I found this room. Can you believe that? There was what I would consider a normal size housewares section near the checkout area, which I thought was the housewares section, but on my last day, I noticed a few people wandering into what looked like a back room, or stock room, but they didn't look like they worked there. So, I followed them into the room. It started out as a little hallway, but opened to this! This room was huge and seemed to go on forever. It was great!

Amazing teacups and teapots galore!

Again, I felt like I wanted to fill a U-haul and bring it home.

I also went back to the insane picture bins to see if I could find more good stuff. There was so much there, but I really didn't have room to bring more home at that point.

A few more pictures from the handbag section.

These little corduroy shoes were so cute.

I loved this trench. It had what looked like a little raindrop motif stitched onto it around the neck. Nice hanger too!

Cute summer dress.

I wanted this painting for Lois, but with three suitcases (we bought a 3rd), two carry on bags, the stroller, the carseat, and the baby, I really couldn't bring home one more thing. The zippers on our bags were close to bursting as it was. Oh well. We will be back, maybe sooner than later. Maybe not so close to Bracki-Land, but close enough to visit. More news on that soon!

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