Sunday, June 21, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever

Yesterday we went to the Swanton organic berry farm to pick strawberries. It was so much fun! It was really neat to see the strawberry farm and see all the pretty, ripe berries dangling from the plants. They even had cute radio flyer wagons you could use for picking (we didn't fill up a wagon--that's a picture of someone else's wagon) and for toting the little ones around. Lois had a good time sitting in a wagon, squishing a few strawberries. It was a bit chilly outside, but that beat the alternative. The drive along highway 1 was really nice too. We saw a lighthouse, lots of surfers in the ocean, and cute roadside produce stands. Last night Andrew made strawberry shortcake with yummy homemade biscuits and whipped cream. And we have some custard based ice cream chilling in the fridge, ready for the ice cream maker! Strawberry ice cream later today, yum.

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