Monday, July 27, 2009


I love this sign! Bad antiques. Is there such a thing? Maybe in the Michael Jackson sense. We saw this building in South Carolina on the way to Charleston. The building was boarded up, but I would have liked to see what was inside when it was open. I have a few more things to show you from our beach vacation, including some really pretty pictures from Magnolia Plantation, but today a blogger meet-up adventure is on my mind. In between washing loads of laundry, and sorting the dreaded mountain of mail on the kitchen table, I've been catching up on some of my favorite blogs. I've missed so much! It makes me daydream of a blogger meet-up where we go to favorite flea markets and thrift stores. The big Alameda flea market is this weekend, and I wish we could all go to it together. In Paris: Made by Hand, the author, Pia Bijkerk, writes that "in French, the act of finding vintage objects has its own verb: chiner. And chineurs are the talented individuals who chinet." Would you like to chinet with me? What would you get at the flea market?

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