Friday, July 17, 2009

Garden Anywhere

Speaking of food, when you don't need it for survival, I think it's really fun to have a vegetable garden of your own, if you can. This book, Garden Anywhere, might motivate me to have a few mini-garden pots on our fire escape. It's a tiny space, but it gets good sun. I'm so looking forward to having a patch of grass again one day (or a patio, or a porch), and I hope we have a little garden one day too. My sister and her husband built a few raised box gardens in their backyard, and a lot of the veggies are ripe for picking. I had one of the best tomatoes I've ever had this week from her garden. My mom used to have a huge vegetable garden (it was about 100 feet by 20 feet--really big!), and every year it was so satisfying to go out to the garden and pick what we'd eat for dinner, and I wasn't even the one who did the work to grow it! Also, I think a garden is great for kids. Here are a few pictures from their garden.

Cherry tomatoes.
All of these pictures (and all the pictures since I've been here in Atlanta) were taken with my sister's camera. We lost our new fancy pants camera, and a great lens that was with it, argh!! Andrew was going to bring it with him when we left because I thought I had too much to carry alone, but somewhere between the cab and the plane it went MIA. He was SO upset. But it's just a thing. It's replaceable. No one has turned it in to SFO lost and found, but we've contacted our renter's insurance and can have it covered after our deductible, which is a fraction of the cost of the camera, so we might do that. Thanks to my sister, though, I've been able to take some pictures while we're here with her great camera, a Canon Rebel XTi. We didn't get around to selling our old camera, also a Canon XTi, so we might just keep that for now.

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