Monday, August 10, 2009

10 Month Brithday

Today Lois celebrated her 10 month birthday! For this monthly birthday I put her in something extra special: a dress my mom made. It's baby pink and smocked at the top with a heart motif. It's really sweet, and I know my mom worked very hard on it. Thanks, mom! My mom had a smocking business when I was growing up and made a ton of dresses for me and my sister (matching dresses, of course). She gave them to a needy neighbor who had three or four little girls years ago, which was very nice, but I know she wishes she had kept some of them. Lois gives her good reason to start again, though. Unfortunately our little photo session was not very successful. It was so hard to get her to look up today! I don't know how photographers do it. I really needed Andrew or someone with me to help distract her into smiling and looking at the camera. When she would look up, by the time I could get her to smile or make a cute face, I missed the chance to take a picture. Plus she kept getting really mad in the dress because her knees were getting caught up in it and she had trouble crawling around in it. Ah, oh well. I will try to get some more pictures of her in the dress before she grows out of it. At least you can see what the detailing looks like in the picture below. Very pretty, don't you think?

After the exhausting attempt to have Lois produce a picture perfect smile, I thought she could use a break and a snack (me too). So after I changed her clothes, I put her in the high chair and gave her a teething biscuit. She looked so cute that I got the camera back out, and there you have it--not what I originally had in mind for this monthly birthday, but very cute nonetheless. Doesn't she look so grown up? She's acting very grown up, too. She says, "la, la, la" all the time now and loves to babble to herself. She also pulls up on furniture and walks around it while holding on. I think she'll be walking really soon. And lately she crawls around with toys in her mouth like a little puppy, and she loves to take things in and out of other things, like taking toys out of bins and clothes out of drawers. She's so cute.

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