Sunday, September 20, 2009

M. Goldstein

I've been having a great time with mom the last few days. She loves it here and doesn't want to leave, but her little visit is almost over. I can't believe it's gone by so fast! Ah, well, we've had a great time and today may have been the most fun day yet. We went to the Columbia Road flower market and oohed and aahed over all the beautiful flowers and plants and then weaved our way in and out of the great shops along Columbia Road. Our favorites were Jessie and Buddug's shop, and though technically not on Columbia Road but right nearby, M. Goldstein.

We saw M. Goldstein a few weeks ago when we went to the flower market, but as often is the case, we needed to get Lois home for a nap, so we didn't stop in. Today, though, I stopped into the shop with mom. It was perfect timing for a shop like M. Goldstein because we were giddy and goofy by the time we got there. Too much coffee, too many cupcakes, and the fact that I was sporting a headband with a big crow on it made us flat out silly. (Mom bought the headband for me at Jessie and Buddug's shop--more to come on that great shop later next week.)

We both loved M. Goldstein, not just because it's filled with our favorites--antique, vintage and second-hand things--but because as soon as you walk in the door you know owners Nathaniel and Pippa must have a great sense of humor. Anyone who has a collection of random heads in a fireplace, stacked vintage cereal boxes for display, and a vintage clothing section that could easily transform into a DJ booth right along side little antique millinery samples, lovely oil paintings, and vintage jewelry has to be fun and interesting. We had to make our visit short because we were running late to meet Andrew and Lois, but I can't wait to go back to M. Goldstein. Here's a peek.

M. Goldstein
67 Hackney Road
London E2 8ET
Tel: +44 [0] 7905 325215

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