Friday, November 27, 2009

Attempted Family Pictures

Yesterday we tried to take some family pictures since we were all together and had the kids all together.  It was pretty exhausting trying to get pictures of everyone!  It's practically impossible to get 4 kids under 5 to look at the camera, with their eyes open, hands down, not making a silly face, and smiling.  Actually, it is impossible!  We must have 50 pictures of the kids and maybe one that's frame worthy that isn't hilarious because of all the eye rolling, hair pulling, and squirming.  I really wanted to get one of Lois to include in our Christmas card too.  She looks really cute in all of the pictures, but I couldn't get her to smile to save my life.  Oh well, we'll go for round two one day next week.  Here are a few of the pictures from yesterday, including a few out-takes. Some of these are a little blurry and grainy, but I still like them all. These pictures are from our new camera and not my iPhone for a change.


Above, my mom with me and my sister, Page.  Below, my mom with my nephew's Cash, Knox, and Wyatt.

And then a few out-takes, which is how most of the pictures look.  I'm telling you, it's not easy getting pictures of kids. 

We tried to include my mom's dog, Lucky, which didn't work out too well, but we got a kiss out of it.

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