Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We Made It

We're here in Atlanta now!  Yay!  The plane ride was pretty uneventful except for when I updated my facebook page with the picture above and a picture of a sleeping Lois using the free Wi-Fi on my phone.  Isn't technology so cool?  These are two more pictures from Shake It on the iPhone.  We recently got at new fancy pants camera, a Canon 7D, and a great lens to go with it.  But I've been liking the iPhone pictures so much that I just realized today that I haven't posted one picture from the 7D.  I'll do that this week.  I'm so happy to be here!  Can you tell from the picture below--me and my sister with her littlest one, baby Knox (I'm the one in red). More from our Atlanta Thanksgiving week coming soon.

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