Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What do you think?

I was hoping to have a new look for my blog for 2010, but now I'm not sure what to do. I wanted to do something different, just to change things up and make it look fresh and stand out a little. I wasn't planning on changing my banner, but maybe re-arranging the categories, or taking some off. I'd really like a 3 column blog, too. But I haven't actually even started because I've been in a bit of a blog funk. I'm just not sure what direction it should take, so I thought I'd see if you have any suggestions. I started my blog to share general things I like, things I do, and places I go, but those are broad topics which can be all over the place. Sometimes people email me wanting to see more family pictures (pictures of Lois) but Andrew often tells me that if I want to write about family, I should have a separate blog for that. I want to take more pictures in stores and write reviews, but I don't know that that should be mixed with our family adventures or Lois updates. Then again, I'm not sure that I have time to keep up with two blogs. I know a lot of people do it, but I'm not sure if I would. Also, sometimes I feel I'm just talking to myself here, and I've thought about not writing my blog at all anymore. So tell me what you think. What kinds of posts do you like to read most? Is there anything you want to see more or less of? I'm sensitive so go easy on me!
PS. The picture above is from a farmer's market in Zurich.  I loved seeing that one yellow tulip among the rest.  It almost looks like it's Photoshoped, but it was really one yellow tulip in the bunch.  

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