Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lofty London Thoughts -- The Big News!

Some of you already know this (or have figured it out from some comments), but my big news is that we're moving to London!! I haven't mentioned it on my blog because we've been waiting on our visas, which will arrive today.  I didn't want to say something and then have to say, uh, just kidding, in case something didn't work out!  We'll be in London by Feb 1.  The move begins this week.  We're heading to Hawaii this weekend (for a conference that Andrew's going to), then we'll go to Atlanta for a week to see family and friends, and then to London.  I haven't had much time to look for apartments this week, but as soon as we get there, we'll be on the hunt.  I hope we can find something decent, with two bedrooms, that we can afford.  It's so expensive there! I'd love to live someplace like this amazing house here--a girl can daydream, right?

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