Thursday, February 18, 2010

On the Hunt in the Dark of Day

I feel like such a terrible blogger lately with so little posting going on. We've been busy looking at apartments so I haven't had much to write about. Apartment hunting is not very interesting (not in our price range anyway), and I can assure you that you wouldn't want to see pictures from 95% of what we've seen. It would depress you. You don't get a whole lot of square footage or quality for your money in London. But then again it's London. It has so much to offer that it doesn't really matter, does it? Unfortunately to me it does. I can't just live anywhere, in any old place. I'm a bit picky. Today on the way home from Battersea (where we've most recently been looking) we crossed the Westminster Bridge and I took this picture. When it is grey here, it is soooo grey, like soot! I get tired of the gloomy grey, but sometimes it does make for a good moody picture. On the bright side, we may have found a place today. We shall see.  

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