Thursday, May 20, 2010


Reader Kim left a comment in my last post that she'd like to see how things are progressing in our little place rather than when it's all finished. And she's right. I do write a blog about home and decorating, partially anyway. So here's a peek. These are just a few of the areas that are coming along, but areas that I really don't completely know what to do with. Keep in mind, this isn't how I want things to look! And I took these pictures with my phone. Also, excuse the mess!
So first, the shelves near the area that I call the bar. We're using the metal cart that I used to use as Lois's changing table for the actual bar. On the shelves above it, I wanted to put bar type things and some other masculine things. The natural wood of the shelves was bothering me though. I thought they really stood out (and to me, not in a good way) so I painted them white so it would flow more. Now I just need to buy more things to accessorize the shelves. They are sort of far apart, and only about 6 inches deep, so I definitely need some taller things to fill the spaces. So what do you think I should put on these shelves? Lisa suggested going with mirrors to brighten the space, and I liked that idea, so I got one mirror for the bottom shelf there. Maybe I should get more. She also suggested a male portrait, and maybe a plant for the middle shelf and some bar accessories (books, decanters etc) for the top shelf. Good ideas, I thought! My mom suggested books, plates hung in the background, and to just really fill up the shelves. So what do you all think I should do? Remember, they're only about 6 inches deep, and all the stuff on the shelves right now, and that tray on the wall are just there until I know what to do with them. But don't you think the shelves look better white? I'm still getting used to all white walls, but I do like it. Uh, I think so anyway! Haha, I go back and forth on that one. (Update: the bar became my sewing nook, which you can see here.)
Now to our bedroom. I finally have a mantel headboard! I love it, but I'm not sure what to do above it right now. I love family pictures. And I only really like them in a room all together or on shelves and tables mixed in with other things. I never like them mixed with other artwork on walls--that just looks weird to me. So I thought I'd hang family pictures above the headboard since I don't know where else to put them, but I wasn't liking how it looked, so I stopped. Lisa suggested a huge, old frame to go above the headboard then hang the pictures inside it. Neat idea! I was also thinking of just scraping the pictures and going for something architectural and funky. (Sorry, bed's not made!)
Also in our room (which has a black and white sort of theme, as you can see) has this little fireplace that is off center of the wall next to the bed. I had the family pictures hung above this fireplace and started to really fill it up, but since the fireplace is off center it looked funny. So I went with this vignette instead. I want a few smaller pictures or prints or plates or something like that to go above the silhouettes. And then I want a plant to go on the black wall shelf there. Anything else? What do you think? I also need to work on the stuff on the mantlepiece.
Tell me what you think so far. I have lots of other problem areas to show you (or I should be positive and say challenging areas!) like the living room, which is sort of an awkward shape for arranging the TV area and sitting area. More coming soon.

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