Friday, August 20, 2010

All Mixed Up

For a while now I've wanted to collect mixed plates and teacups. It's only taken me forever to get started! I'm not sure why. I see pretty plates and teacups at thrift stores and flea markets all the time. But these two above did the trick. One vendor had both of them, and they just looked so pretty together. I'd like to collect mixed plates just to use everyday but also to hang a collection on the wall. My colors are yellow, green, red, and blue, so I'm looking out for any plates that have those colors or combinations of colors. I also bought these teacup trios below.
More on teacups later, though, back to plates for now. I've seen lots of inspiring plate collections, and here are just a few. The last example from Patchwork and Harmony is my favorite, and she also has a good post on how to hang them using invisible plate hangers
From top to bottom, I found these here: one, two, three, four, five

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lolo's Room

Lois's room is finished! It's been pretty much finished for months, but I wanted to make something to cover the dark fireplace and finally did that this week. I also wanted to finish her bunting. Both are done so welcome to Lois's room! If you saw her room in San Francisco or saw pictures on my blog, it's basically the same, mostly all the same stuff anyway, but I hung things in a different arrangement and she has some different curtains now. Almost everything in her room is either from Ikea, a flea market, or a thrift store. Here's the tour...
Daybed from Ikea and lots of pillows. One can never have too many pillows! At least I can't.
Some of the pillows are store bought, but a few are handmade. My aunt made this red ruffle pillow that I love. 
This bird and tulip pillow came from a thrift store and I made the patchwork pillow behind it from one of Alicia Paulson's patterns
Little doll named Lois came from the Alemany flea market in San Francisco. 
Stripes here is from Laku, one of my favorite San Francisco shops. 
Artwork by my nephews. Frames from Ikea. 
Artwork from a high school friend. You can see it larger here.
Vintage books in a pew holder and "L" is for Lion vintage fabric from my friend Alex
The wheels on the bus go round and round! Bus painting my Mose Tolliver. One time when I was in, I dunno, maybe middle school, I painted over one of his watermelon paintings--eek! I guess I just thought I could improve it. Woops. 
You are Beautiful by Cathy Nichols on etsy. 
Vintage Child Life magazines. Lisa gave these to me. I love them (just look!) and wish I could win bids on them on ebay, but I never do. The magazine holder is from Anthropologie. 
Bunting! I made this bunting with her name on it this week. This is above her crib (which is from Ikea). My mom found the apron in an antique store. The dress on the far left is from Vintage Touch on etsy and the one on the right is from a shop in Atlanta, but I can't think of the store right now!
Curtains and her dresser (the top of it anyway). My aunt made the floral curtain, but I can't remember the name of the fabric right now. It's an older Amy Butler fabric. I think it's from her Gypsy Caravan collection. I made the yellow gingham panels to go underneath. 
Custom bookplates from Oiseaux on etsy. 
Lots of vintage books on a spinning rack my mom bought at a flea market (this thing weighs a ton and has been all over the place).
Above the book rack is artwork by my friend Michelle
Flea market treasures and a party hat made by moi.

One of her birth announcements that I made. 
My solution to a very dark red brick and black fireplace. It's actually very pretty under the curtain, but it just didn't go with the room. The curtain isn't perfect by any means, and I couldn't find a pole to fit close enough to the top, so I should have made a wider hem at the top to let it ruffle out, but this is at least better than before!
That's all for the show, folks. Hope you enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fall Already?

Often you'd find me standing at the kitchen counter eating leftovers out of a tupperware container or eating something delicious chef dad has made, but sometimes I actually make dinner myself and even dessert. And of course that's a happening so I sometimes document it too. (I even pulled out our Canon for this, though most of these pictures are with my iPhone.) Today it was so chilly when I walked Lois to nursery school that I thought it would be a good comfort food day. Pot roast. Being from the southeast US, I almost can't believe I made pot roast in August. But I did, and it was yummy, so were the little heart tarts. Well, the pot roast was better, but the tarts were still pretty good. I did something wrong with the pastry dough. Pastry dough is a beast. I've never gotten it right, though I've only tried a few times. It's all about the butter I think, or mostly anyway. The heart tart recipe is from The Gentle Art of Domesticity by Jane Brocket, a wonderful book for anyone who values, cooking, crafts, family, and home. Now to clean up this explosion that is our house. Everything looks pretty in neatly cropped photos, but around the edges, woah, what a mess!

The finished pot roast tasted much better than it looked in pictures! Tea and tarts looked better. 

Sew Excited

If I can ever get my paypal account sorted out, I'm going to sign up for this class: Home Ec, an online beginner sewing class! I've been hunting around for sewing classes around London and have found a few, but they are usually pretty expensive and often only cover one or two projects in each class. Home Ec is a go at your own pace class. It covers 26 fun projects, with each project focusing on a particular sewing skill, starting from beginner level working up to more advanced sewing techniques. Head over to The Freckled Nest to read more about it. Class starts today but you have until the 15th to sign up. I hope I can get my paypal sorted by then! (It won't accept my billing address for my debit card here--it seems to only accept US addresses. If anyone knows how to sort this issue, let me know. The "help" section in paypal has not been very helpful on this topic.)
Images from The Freckled Nest. 

Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm a huge fan of iPhone photo apps. The quality and processing variations are great, and for such a cheap price, with each app being under a few dollars, most .99 cents, I think the phone is worth the photo apps alone. My new favorite photo app is PictureShow. (Here's the link to see a video on it. Turn down your volume unless you just like to pretend you're in a Holiday Inn nightclub circa 1987--the music is terrible for such a great app.) I started to ramble on and on about the settings, but just watch the video and check out the many faces of the queen that I made. The original image is from one of my birthday presents, a set of great London postcards (the last image is the original). I just opened PictureShow, took a picture of the original postcard with my phone, and then played with the settings. So what's the queen's best color? Blue, red, black and white, bright pop art colors? All of the above?!! Of course these are all things you could do with image editing software, like photoshop, but it's just really fun to be able to do on a phone and at such a low cost. I could waste a lot more time today with PictureShow, but I need to find a dentist right now. (PS. if you're interested in seeing more iPhone photography, just search for it on Flickr and you'll see a lot there.)