Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fall Already?

Often you'd find me standing at the kitchen counter eating leftovers out of a tupperware container or eating something delicious chef dad has made, but sometimes I actually make dinner myself and even dessert. And of course that's a happening so I sometimes document it too. (I even pulled out our Canon for this, though most of these pictures are with my iPhone.) Today it was so chilly when I walked Lois to nursery school that I thought it would be a good comfort food day. Pot roast. Being from the southeast US, I almost can't believe I made pot roast in August. But I did, and it was yummy, so were the little heart tarts. Well, the pot roast was better, but the tarts were still pretty good. I did something wrong with the pastry dough. Pastry dough is a beast. I've never gotten it right, though I've only tried a few times. It's all about the butter I think, or mostly anyway. The heart tart recipe is from The Gentle Art of Domesticity by Jane Brocket, a wonderful book for anyone who values, cooking, crafts, family, and home. Now to clean up this explosion that is our house. Everything looks pretty in neatly cropped photos, but around the edges, woah, what a mess!

The finished pot roast tasted much better than it looked in pictures! Tea and tarts looked better. 

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