Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mmmm Figs

I love figs. Do you like figs? I had never had a fig until about three years ago. Can you believe that? We bought some really delicious ones earlier this week. Here they are about to be gobbled up with some Nancy's yogurt (my favorite yogurt) and a drizzle of maple syrup. They look extra sweet in this cute bowl I bought at a Goodwill during my last trip to Atlanta. And the pale chartreuse woven napkins that I bought at Portner in Zurich make me want to make a mess just so I can dab it up!

I realized I didn't post any pictures of some of the great things at Goodwill that day in Atlanta. I could have bought so many things! But the cost of shipping things home would have canceled out the bargains. I did get the brown floral bowls and this great set of ironstone pictured above. The ironstone is Kensington Staffords in a Queen Anne pattern. The price tag said it was a 19 piece set, but a lot of the pieces were missing. A nice employee even tried to help me find the missing pieces. Still, I bought was what there for less than $10. It's in my mom's garage for now, but during my next trip I'll bring them home.

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