Thursday, July 2, 2009

Holy Ferragamo!

I've mentioned before that I'm a Ferragamo magnet lately, and yesterday brought me some of the best Ferragamo finds, ever. If you're a thrifty shoe person, you might want to get out your smelling salts because you might faint from excitement like I almost did when I saw them. My sassy grandma schooled me on Ferragamo's when I was a wee one. I don't remember when I first heard of them from her, maybe in middle school. But to me, the modern equivalent might be something like Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin. Ferragamos are still made and still beautiful, but I think their heyday has past. It's the vintage ones I really like, especially when they fit me! Yesterday I wasn't planning a thrift stop, but Lois had a check-up and fell asleep in the stroller right when we left. She hadn't taken her afternoon nap yet, so I didn't want to wake her up, so I decided to go for a walk and pop into the Salvation Army. It was a great shoe n' sheet day, let me tell you! Where was my truck when I needed it? Ha!

Here are my 2 pairs of Ferragamos! I especially like the pair with the gunmetal metal heel--that's right, a METAL heel, not plastic meant to look like metal. Ah, I love them! But first the patent wedges, which are also great.

Sparkle and spin, the great name of a cute book, and what I'll do in these! Ha, either my foot looks tiny or my ankle huge! Bad angle I guess.

I did find a few other things--a dress and skirt, and a bundle of great sheets to use for dress making.

I didn't get this brown floral sheet, but I liked it.

This is just a huge piece of jersey knit. It has thin stripes and some wide stripes. I don't know what it will become, but I liked it.

Here are the shoes in their natural habitat. I spotted the glistening Ferragamo logo from a few isles over. They both needed some cleaning up, and now they really shine.

My heart is still a-flutter from my 30 minute detour. It was 50% off day to make it even better. Can't wait to go back!

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