Friday, July 3, 2009

A Daydream

The NY Times has two articles that I just read that made want to head to a flea market then a thrift store on the way home. I'm going to clean our apartment and daydream about it instead. Andrew's off today and planning to take Lois out on a walk for a while so I can clean and have mommy alone time, which makes me almost as excited as going to a flea market or thrift store. The first article is from a Paris flea market, which you can read here. I wish there were more pictures, but the article is good. (When I need a French flea market picture fix, I pull out this cute little book and think back to my memory of being at one, sans pictures.) The second is from the style section--a little cottage decorated with thrifty treasures on a tight budget. It's so cute. You can see it here. Happy daydreaming to you.

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