Thursday, September 10, 2009

11 Month Birthday

Just a few more weeks until the big ONE! I'm so excited I'm already planning her dress and party hat set, which might be made with a special Liberty print! For now, though, we're still celebrating her monthlies. Yesterday we went to the park where I took these pictures of Lois playing with, and trying to eat, leaves and grass. She's wearing a Tea Collection top, or dress really, that my sister gave to me at my shower. What a cutie! She's doing all kinds of new, fun things lately. Her favorite things to do lately are: walk around furniture, try to take off her diaper (not looking forward to this progressing), try to feed herself with a spoon, try to feed me (she hands me little pieces of food, which is really cute), open and close things, and unfortunately she's fascinated with the toilet. Oh and I almost forgot, she LOVES music! At the first sound of any music she bops and sways to the beat. And she's starting to clap her hands sometimes, too. Here's to the last monthly birthday until the big one!

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